Ratatouille Movie



“Ratatouille is a really good, animated movie to watch and enjoy it.”

Ratatouille is a 2007 Animated comedy drama movie directed by Brad bid. It was produced by Brad Lewis in the production companies of Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. The Main character of the movie is Remy who a rat interested in Cooking. Alfredo Linguini who is Illegitimate son of the deceased famous chief Auguste Gusteau, Robert Skinner who is new owner of Gusteau’s, head chief and former chef before Gusteau’s death, Django who is Remy’s father and Leader, Auguste Gusteau who recently deceased and founder  of his restaurant named as Gusteau’s, Colette who is the restaurant’s female cook and Alfredo’s friend, and Horst is Skinner’s German chef. There are some characters such as Emile, Anton Ego, Larousse, Mustafa, Talon, and Git etc...

This is an animated comedy drama movie featuring with dish named as Ratatouille which is served at the end of movie. The Movie follows that a rat who dreams of becoming a chef at Gusteau’s restaurant and tries to achieve his goal by forming an alliance with restaurant’s garbage boy Alfredo.


Ratatouille Movie Animation movie Food Movie Hotel movie Rat movie Ratatoille


The Story begins with Remy, who is a rat with heightened senses of taste and smell and has dreams of becoming a chef like his human idol, Auguste Gusteau. The rest of his colony, including his older brother Emile and his father Django who is a clan leader, only eat for sustenance and are wary of humans. They were lived in elderly woman’s attic outside Paris, when the woman discovers them, they’re forced to evacuate, and Remy was separated from them. Seen a Gusteau’s restaurant Advertisement, Remy explores to find himself on the roof of Gusteau’s restaurant. Remy notices Alfredo, who is restaurant’s new garbage boy attempting to fix a soup which he ruined. So, Remy decides to fix Alfredo’s mistake.

Remy get to Alfredo’s head and hide into chef hat. With action of Remy in Alfredo’s hair, Alfredo catches Remy in the act and does not reveal him to Skinner who is Gusteau’s former chef and new owner of the Gusteau’s restaurant. Skinner confronts Alfredo for tampering with Soup, but when the soup is served and proves to be a success, Colette who is restaurant’s female chef convince Skinner to retain Alfredo with Gusteau’s motto, “Anyone can Cook”. Suddenly Skinner spots the Remy and orders Alfredo to kill him.

The Story moves on Did Alfredo Kill Remy or What he do with him. The Story shows the relationship with Alfredo and Remy and How Remy is helpful to Alfredo. The story also Shows Did Skinner find the Secret of Alfredo’s Success cooking or Did Alfredo tell the Secret to the everyone.

“This Movie was good and an absolute delight to watch. Although the story was simple, but it makes entertained well. The Characters are great and really loved it. The Story shows the good relationship of Alfredo and Remy. Watch it and enjoy the Movie.”


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