Outlast Game



“Outlast is an amazing horror game filled with suspense and heart-pounding Chase Sequence, must try for horror Experience.”

Outlast is a survival horror video game developed and Published by Red Barrels. The Outlast is a single player first-person perspective. The player controls Miles, who is a freelance investigate journalist decides to investigate a remote Psychiatric Hospital named Mount Massive Asylum. The game was released in the Platform   of Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Outlast Game Horror Game Outlast 1 Outlast


Outlast is a 2013 Survival Horror video game played from first-person perspective. The player controls Miles, who is an investigative journalist decides to investigate the Psychiatric Hospital named as Mount Massive Asylum. The Game features some Stealth Gameplay mechanics. The player can walk, jump, crouch and run. The player can not or unable to attack the enemies and can flee or run away from the enemies. There is no health bar as if player get attack the Screen get some blur with red color and automatically it will heal. Documents can be collected, which shows backstory and other information about the facility, including pages taken from the diaries of patients and reports from the hospital.

The player holds Camera to shoot on the places and gather some information. So, player should pick the Battery for the Camera. The Camera battery doesn’t hold long time, so player should always change their battery and can pick in way of Exploring. While in the Dark place player can use night vision from the camera. 


The Story begins with Miles, Who is Freelance Investigative Journalist receives an anonymous e-mail that inhuman experiments conducted in private Hospital. So, He decides to investigate a remote Psychiatric Hospital named Mount Massive Asylum owned by the Markoff Corporation. Miles enters hospital and shocked to discover that halls are ransacked with mutilated dead bodies of the staff. He’s informed by a dying officer that Mount Massive’s insane inmates, known as “Variants”, have escaped, and freely roaming and kill the employees. The officer request Miles to escape and reveals that the main doors can be unlocked from Security control. 

The Story moves on Did Miles escape from the hospital, or he Explore the hospital and survived. The Story Shows with Some variants and psychiatric persons. This game contains DLC (Downloadable Content) names as Outlast: whistleblower which shows that why the person emails to the Journalist.

“This game is Scariest one contains with full of horror and suspense. It gives so much jump scare and tik tik moments for every scene. Story line is good with dlc. When enemies seen us, the soundtrack gives us heart-pounding moment. Try this game for good horror experience and enjoy it.”


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