A Plague Tale: Requiem Game


A Plague Tale: Requiem

“A Plague Tale: Requiem was amazing! it had so many high paced and emotional moments.”


A Plague Tale: Requiem is an Survival action-adventure horror stealth game. It is the continuation to A Plague Tale: Innocence , and the Story follows siblings Hugo and Amicia de Rune who must look for a cure to Hugo's blood disease in Southern France while Run away from soldiers of the interrogation and Groups of rats that are spreading the black Plague. It was released for the platform of  Windows, PlayStation 4,5, and Xbox One


A Plague Tale: Requiem Game Plague Tale Game APT Requiem Game


Similar to its forerunner In the game, the player assumes control of Amicia and must face against both soldiers from the French Interrogation and Group of rats that are spreading the black Plague. Sometimes Player can also Control Hugo in his Dream. Gameplay is Similar to the first game, though the Attack system is significantly Modified. Amicia is equipped with weapons such as a sling that can be used to throw rocks, a knife to stab enemies, and a crossbow which allows her to defeat the armature enemies easily.

Crossbow bolts, throwing pots, and rocks can be combined with alchemical mixtures. The Weapons can be upgraded in workbench. Unlike First part, Amicia would not die after being hit once by enemies and counter their attacks if she gets too close to them. Hugo, who has a connection to the plague, can use an ability named "Echo" which Shows the locations of enemies through walls. Hugo can also control the groups of rats to Submerge the enemies. Amicia can use the groups of rats to her advantage, handle them to solve puzzles, or even to kill enemies.



The Story begins with following the events of the first part, siblings Hugo and Amicia de Rune along with their mother Beatrice and her apprentice Lucas , seek asylum among an organization of alchemists called the Order. An Aggressive group of beekeepers attacks Hugo and Amicia. Hugo reawakens the macula to kill them. Hugo Cause some dreams to cure for the macula. In a town, Beatrice, and Order representative Vaudin's attempts to treat Hugo to make worse his condition, resulting in the town being Flood by rats and left in ruins. Vaudin was Killed By the rats.

Hugo locked up as the Order’s test subject, Amicia takes Hugo and leaves Beatrice and Lucas to seek an island of which Hugo has recurring dreams, hoping it will lead to a cure for the Macula. Along the way, they are run After by soldiers, as well as mercenaries led by the defame knight Arnaud. Arnaud offers Amicia to arrange Ship to the island from Hugo's dreams, La Cuna. They sail to the island on the ship of Sophia who is Arnaud’s Smuggler Friend.

The Story Moves on Did Amicia get to island and Cure Hugo’s Macula and research the island to Find Information about Macula.

“One of the best games ever! It is a big improvement from the first game in Both visually and gameplay mechanics wise. Soundtrack was Amazing. Really loved the characters and overall got good experience with Emotional.”



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